The 2012 Writer's Market details thousands of publishing opportunities for writers, including listings for book publishers, consumer and trade magazines, contests and awards, literary agents, newspapers, playwriting markets, and screenwriting markets. These listings include contact and submission information to help writers get their work published. Look inside and you'll also find page after page of all-new editorial material devoted to the craft and business of writing. It's the most information we've ever jammed into one edition! You'll find insightful interviews and articles, guidelines for finding work, honing your craft, and promoting your writing. You'll also learn how to navigate the social media landscape, negotiate contracts, and protect your work. And as usual, this edition includes the ever popular "How Much Should I Charge?" pay rate chart.
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Includes an exclusive 60-minute FREE WEBINAR with the staff of Writer's Digest that will teach you how to begin building your own writing platform today.
"What I appreciate most about Writer's Market is that it's impossible to pick up the book, flip through it, and put it down 15 minutes later without at least five, new profitable ideas that I can execute immediately. No other book on my shelf that can inspire this many practical, profitable, career-building ideas in this same amount of time."
—Christina Katz, author of The Writer's Workout, Get Known Before the Book Deal and Writer Mama